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Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength, by Laurie Helgoe PhD
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It's no wonder that introversion is making headlines - half of all Americans are introverts. But if that describes you, are you making the most of your inner strength?
In this book, psychologist and introvert Laurie Helgoe, PhD, unveils the genius of introversion. Introverts gain energy and power through reflection and solitude. Our culture, however, is geared toward the extrovert. The pressure to get out there and get happier can lead people to think that an inward orientation is a problem instead of an opportunity. Helgoe shows that the exact opposite is true: Introverts can capitalize on this inner source of power.
Introvert Power is a blueprint for how introverts can take full advantage of this hidden strength in daily life.
- Sales Rank: #34924 in Audible
- Published on: 2016-01-26
- Released on: 2016-01-26
- Format: Unabridged
- Original language: English
- Running time: 631 minutes
Most helpful customer reviews
135 of 137 people found the following review helpful.
By Lanai Malu
being 71 yrs of age...I wish that this could have been one of the first books I could have read when I was a young girl. I grew up thinking I was weird because I was the only one in my family that craved quiet. I hated being called a snob..shy..and stuck up, while in school and later in my 20's on... till reading this book and finally understanding, it was normal for me to be and feel the way I do.
What an enlightening book. It made me laugh and it made me think back to all those times that I was struggling to understand. Now I do. AND, it is so true, that you are NEVER too old to learn and discover new things that will explain your many questions and forever change your outlook. I am SO very happy that Laurie Helgoe, wrote this beautiful book. I am so happy to have it in my library, to be able to refer to it anytime I need it.
This book will never be one that anyone could ever find boring. It has set me free to just be who I am, a friendly, joyful and happy person who loves people, animals and TREES...and just need a bit more quiet time than others may.
92 of 95 people found the following review helpful.
Amazingly, it changed my life, too!
By Thezwomann
I took the MBTI and discovered that I'm an introvert. Only one problem: I was convinced that I was not an introvert, because introverts are shy. Right? And I'm not shy, therefore, I am not an introvert. Right? Not exactly. Since I had barely scored anything on the "extrovert" measurement, I decided to google and find something I could read to enlighten me about what it means to be introverted. Oh My Goodness!!!! After reading this book, all I wanted to do was climb to the top of the tallest mountain in my area and shout at the top of my lungs, "I AM AN INTROVERT!!!" Not only that, I'm proud to be one. Now I understand that introversion has nothing to do with being shy or timid or anything like that. It's about how you process information and where you get your energy. I feel like I've been validated, vindicated, enlightened, and set-free to be the best version of myself I can be. I am more able to set boundaries, more able to explain why I need to be alone, more able to find moments to re-energize myself in the middle of a hectic schedule and noise everywhere, and more able to be at peace with who I am. I cannot rate this book highly enough--especially for those of you who, like me, are seeking to better understand yourself, what makes you tick, what provides you with energy (and what is draining it), and how to use the strengths of your personality type to improve your life.
72 of 75 people found the following review helpful.
By leo
Fun book to read for both introverts and extroverts. Here's what I learned from it...
-The field of psychology labeled introversion a disorder until recently
-America is an extroverted society equalling more murders, but Japan is an introverted society equalling more suicides
-Depression commercials appeal to introverts because society tells us we should always be happy
-Pharmaceutical companies, especially those that make pills for depression have a hard time selling them in Japan, where
introversion and reflection are respected.
-Introverts prefer a neutral state of being than an excited state that extroverts prefer
-Introverts prefer dry humor and melancholic music and intimacy vs large crowds
-People aren't depressed, they are unexpressed. People overindulge when they underindulge their creativity.
Easy read. Teaches you how to navigate a social situations and gives a great history lesson on how introversion.
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